25-07-2017 - 30-09-2017

Problem - Autism is a serious problem facing society. But there are several misunderstandings about the disease. Scientific data shows that while it may not be fully recoverable in most cases, it can be managed and patient can achieve near-normal life if early intervention is done. But unfortunately, parents don't treat the disease. Confusion between Mental Retardness/challenge and Autism makes them to hide it, than treating. We spoke to many experts in field and they said its important to create awareness of this issue and a film about Early Intervention and Education will be very important. Accordingly, we got a film prepared from a professional agency and was inaugurated and launched at the hands of DG Abhay on our Club's Charter Presentation itself. Post launch push: 1) Press Briefing was released to talk about the Autism and film showcased 2) It was circulated each and every member on various WhatsApp groups, Face book pages, Linked In posts etc 3) It was posted and actively promoted on You Tube. Thousands of views till date. 4) The communication was sent to Pediatric and Neuro Physicians so they can direct their patients 5) The film was promoted in organizations like Prasanna Autism, Spectrum School etc and they use the film in their parent counseling sessions PI Impact: 1) It got good coverage and media covered it 2) Extensive spread on social media - esp WhatsApp and You Tube 3) Experts use it in their interactions with Parents. 4) Parents of about dozen autistic children approached Prasanna Autism referring the film. They could get early support

Project Details

Start Date 25-07-2017
End Date 30-09-2017
Project Cost 75000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 140
No of direct Beneficiaries 50000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area