Fun with Vedic Maths

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 02 Aug 2022
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Sevasadan School, Dilasa Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Fun with Vedic Maths
Meeting Agenda Dr. Prof. Prafulla Dravid will unfold this ancient system of Mathematics practiced in India for over 2000 years back, rediscovered in 20th century by Swami Bharati Krishna Tirthaji.
Chief Guest Dr. Prof. Prafulla Dravid
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting Dr. Prof. Prafulla Dravid will unfolded this ancient system of Mathematics very beautifully. He taught us how we can magically and easily do tedious calculations using some quick tips and formulas. multiplication with large numbers, squares, cubes can be easily calculated using the simple techniques. if we practice these techniques, we can do the calculations mentally in just a matter of seconds.